Agroforestry workshop in Tukapehy village
A presential Agroforestry workshop came to further flourish the Pollinators Program, five intense days in the Tukapehy village, of the Surui Aikewara people, to strengthenView More
A presential Agroforestry workshop came to further flourish the Pollinators Program, five intense days in the Tukapehy village, of the Surui Aikewara people, to strengthenView More
We are thrilled to announce the release of the app developed in collaboration between Meli and the amazing team at P2Panda! Before we dive intoView More
Santo Antônio do Içá thrives as a mosaic of indigenous cultures where stingless beekeeping emerges as a unifying force. For the future, they envision aView More
In the Atlantic Forest, a workshop to strengthen the Guarani Mbya people’s (re)connection with the cultivation, maintenance and management of Jate’i bees. Authors: Ana RosaView More
Embracing the power of knowledge, Bracinho do Icatu, a Quilombola community in Pará, unites tradition with modern practices to preserve our native bees and ecosystems.View More
Indigenous and local stories share universal human values and often have a background of relationship with nature with a great potential to bring innovative perspectivesView More
The Bees and Culture project continues showcasing the tremendous strength of the Parkatejê community in the Mãe Maria Indigenous Land, where the project took place.View More
The community kitchen project of the ‘Food for Good Living’ project has already started! We are very happy with the evolution of this project, whichView More
Luandro shares his diary of the work he’s leading with the Tenetehara people in the Arariboia territory. Reality isn’t easy. Short after installed, the communityView More
Luandro shares his diary of the work he’s leading with the Tenetehara people in the Arariboia territory. Now the Mapeo workshop goes to the largerstView More