Meli Network
Connect and Empower communities leading Impact
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Meli thrives within an Impact Network that centers on the strength of community collaboration. The Network actively engages indigenous and local communities in vulnerable regions amongst peers and partners. It serves as a vibrant hub connecting over 50 communities, nurturing meaningful connections and forging partnerships.
At the core of this program lies the empowerment of community leaders by equipping them with the skills to drive change. The program hosts activities designed to empower them to lead sustainable practices, exchange knowledge with each other, and share inspiration.
Within our network, communities engage in meaningful exchanges with their peers. They connect, share experiences, and pass on wisdom to each other, fostering a rich atmosphere of collaboration and mutual support. As we move forward, we eagerly explore new avenues and initiatives that amplify community leadership in pursuit of a more sustainable and equitable future.
Learn more with the program Pollinators Fellowship
Check in our blog, some of the activities we hold to
The charismatic Omágua-Kambeba activist Rômulo, with his ‘Olho d’Água’ project, is reinventing cultural and environmental preservation in Alto Solimões. Discover ...
Discover the story of Kruw, a central figure in preserving and promoting Krahô culture. Her journey is marked by challenges ...
Discover the inspiring journey of Geovani, a teacher from the Desana ethnic group, who transforms lives in the Balaio Indigenous ...
In the remote regions of Alto Solimões, in the Amazon, where the rivers weave together communities and cultures, and the ...
How about diving into a cultural journey that goes from the Arctic to the heart of Brazil? In this blog, ...
Rio Grande do Sul is experiencing its most extensive extreme weather event. The state of calamity has lasted four weeks ...
Santo Antônio do Içá thrives as a mosaic of indigenous cultures where stingless beekeeping emerges as a unifying force. For ...
Vale obstructs the movement of an entire community, making it difficult to access hospitals, schools and markets. While holding a ...
Embracing the power of knowledge, Bracinho do Icatu, a Quilombola community in Pará, unites tradition with modern practices to preserve ...
Cacica Joana and meliponiculturist Orlando gave an emotional presentation of their village, Raízes da Ayahuasca, during the latest virtual meeting ...
Join this hybrid event bridging the indigenous and local communities and the academic world On March 8th, Meli will host ...
Uncover the innovative connections between mathematics and nutrition in an award-winning project led by Kukuy Apurinã. In partnership with Meli, ...
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Pollinators Fellowship