In a very complex region, we are starting a meliponary at IALA Amazônico to help the protection and the sustainable management of the native bees and build the Arc of Regeneration!
Leia em Português.
There’s a particularly endangered area in the Brazilian Amazon, it’s called “Arc of Deforestation”. It is the part of the Amazon, where the deforestation historically took place and where 75% of it is still happening. In this region, the traditional communities need support to protect the forest with sustainable and regenerative activities. That’s why we are building the Arc of Regeneration, with the care of native bees as one of the main activities!
But it is important to remember that the Arc of Regeneration can only be build together with the loca communities. That’s why the Amazon Latin American Agroecology Institute – IALA Amazônico, is one of the main actors to help us bring Regeneration to the most endangered areas of the Amazon!
IALA Amazônico is a part of a network of Agroecology Institutes designed by Via Campesina across Latin America to bring political and technical education for rural communities based on the principles of agroecology. The institute is located in an area donated by the families of the Palmares II settlement, 27 km away from the municipality of Parauapebas/Pará.
With the support of the Hand in Hand-Fund, we are going to develop a Meliponary (native beekeeping area) at the IALA Amazônico! This is going to be the start of the sustainable management of the native bees present (but very endangered) in this region!
Follow us to see the start of an Arc of Regeneration!
(Picture: Meli’s first visit at IALA)

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