Another project is coming out in partnership with the Pollinating Regeneration Program. The Krahô indigenous people from the Galheiros Village searched us seeking a partnership to strengthen sustainable food production, through the integration of traditional agricultural practices and connectivity resources.
Author: Sílvia Lomba
Leia em português
We are very happy to announce the project ‘Traditional farms and Community network’, idealized by residents of the Galheiros Village, Kraholândia Indigenous Territory. The project has just been approved and the first activities have begun, led by Hyjnõ Karhô and Cruwakwyj Krahô. This new partnership with Meli, in the Pollinating Regeneration Program, has great potential to value local culture and promote nutritional security. The project aims to strengthen the production of sustainable food in the Krahô indigenous community, through the integration of traditional agricultural practices and connectivity resources. Promoting food sovereignty and agricultural self-sufficiency will strengthen the maintenance and dissemination of traditional knowledge, which is linked to sustainable agricultural practices.
Connectivity resources will also promote access to information. The limited connectivity in the Galheiros Village hampers access to educational material and communication and a whole by the residents. Furthermore, with access to quality internet, it will be possible to search for new partnerships to develop new projects. Thus, the project ‘Traditional farms and Community network’ aims at community autonomy regarding food supply and connectivity.

Hyjnõ and Cruwakwyj recently participated in a meeting with other communities, also members of the Meli Network, in which we could learn more about the reality faced by the Krahô in the Kraholândia Indigenous Territory. The leaders shared the different experiences inside the community and reported the important function of the Krahô Warriors, who work mainly in the protection of the territory and the Cerrado, denouncing animal smugglers and other types of invaders. “Territorial security is more than the protection of the physical space. Maintaining alive the culture, the food, the ancestral medicine and the language are also territorial security” Hyjnõ told us.
Projects like ‘Traditional farms and Community network’ guarantee the maintenance of the way of living and traditional wisdom of traditional peoples, strengthening the connection between the people and the environment. We are very excited about the approval of another project that has just begun.

The necessary material has been purchased and clearing of the farms has already started. Moreover, at this stage, other members of the community are learning how to do this job efficiently and safely. We hope this project promotes independence in food production and access to information.
A group of 4 Krahô leaders is getting ready to participate in the Regenerative Agriculture Workshop in the Arariboia indigenous land, to potentialize this work even more.
We hope this project promotes food production independence and access to information in the community.
To learn more about the ‘Traditional farms and Community network’ project and other ideas in the Pollinating Regeneration Program we will publicize soon, continue following our work here!
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