Mapeo Workshop at Lago Branco Indigenous Village

Luandro shares his diary of the work he’s leading with the Tenetehara people in the Arariboia territory. In this text you can learn about the second workshop he held in the territory.
This text was previously share via Scuttlebut.

Author: Luandro
Leia em português.
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Here it continues.

Back in September 2022, together with @Dylorb- and his crew, we started off this journey with a two day hike at the in the dunes of Lençois Maranhenses. I also completely mis-calculated proportions for the workshop, and make our trip a bit of a pain, with 0 centimeters left inside the car, sorry…

As a continuation of the first workshop in Barreirinha village, we conducted a second mapping workshop in Lago Branco village, which is the main village in the Lago Branco region of the Araribóia Indigenous Territory. Lago Branco village is located alongside a major state highway in Maranhão, which provides benefits like fiber-optic internet connection. However, the constant noise from large trucks passing by can be heard even from within the village. Despite the proximity to the highway, the natural beauty of the village remains intact, with a vast lake and the presence of untouched Amazon rainforest.

We were expecting a larger number of participants for this workshop, but we encountered difficulties in transportation within the vast Araribóia territory due to the condition of dirt roads and the sheer size of the territory. As a result, most of the participants were young individuals from Lago Branco village itself, and we managed to bring two participants from other villages who showed great interest in Meli’s activities in the territory and the Mapeo application.

Although the workshop didn’t meet our expectations in terms of participation, it provided a valuable opportunity for Dyland and his group to witness the reality of the Araribóia territory and of the Guajajara people in the state of Maranhão. It also served as a chance for Jonas Guajajara and Jó Guajajara to enhance their training skills on mapeo.

It also taught us important lessons in logistical planning, and helped strengthening the relationship between Digital Democracy and Meli.


This is a part of a series of reports, you can read the previous one here and the next one here.

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