The Women who Pollinate the Forest have a lot to say.
We want to amplify their voices.
The Amazonian women leading the project:
Women group Grupo Mulheres em Ação – Compartilhando Saberes, part of Associação Remanescentes de Quilombos São Tomé do Bracinho de Icatu (ARQSTBI).
Concerned with the community culture, livelihood and black ancestry, the group organizes activities such as awareness about environmental preservation, strengthening of family farming, empowering women and youth.

Meli supports regenerative practices with traditional communities in the Amazon area.
During this project, Meli will organize, monitore and assist the local activities, as well support them with a local and global network concerned in social and environmental sustainability.

Photography and the story behind it.
Nubia Suriane is a photographer from Marabá, Pará, Brazilian Amazon.
She will be the facilitator of a 2-weeks long photography workshop in the quilombola community.
Very present on social media, her sensible work respectfully captures intimate moments.
Check more of Nubia’s work here.

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